Live an awe-inspiring adventure with the best wheelchair accessible things to do in Machu Picchu.

Here the echoes of ancient civilizations, meet the promise of accessibility for all travelers seeking wheelchair accessible things to do in Machu Picchu.

1. Vistadome Train 

The Vistadome Train offers wheelchair-friendly access and showcases panoramic views of the Andean landscapes. This scenic journey sets the stage for an inclusive ascent to Machu Picchu, providing travelers with breathtaking scenery as they approach the mystical citadel.

2. Accessible Pathways

Explore the terraces, plazas, and temples of Machu Picchu through wheelchair-accessible pathways. These paths allow everyone to immerse themselves in the historical richness of this UNESCO World Heritage site, ensuring an inclusive experience.

3. Scenic Viewpoints

Experience iconic vistas from accessible areas like the Sun Gate or Inti Punku. These viewpoints offer panoramic views that highlight the beauty of Machu Picchu, ensuring all travelers can appreciate its magnificence.

4. Historical Sites

Discover landmarks such as the Temple of the Sun, Room of the Three Windows, and the Intihuatana Stone. Accessible via trails, these sites unravel the secrets of Machu Picchu's intriguing past, providing an inclusive historical journey.

5. Wheelchair-Accessible Bus

Conclude your visit by boarding the wheelchair-accessible bus that descends from Machu Picchu to Aguas Calientes. This transport option offers comfort and accessibility, providing a smooth conclusion to your exploration of this ancient wonder.