For travelers with special needs, the nearest accessible airport in Monteverde is Arenal Airport, located approximately 75 km away. Arenal Airport provides essential services designed to accommodate passengers with diverse accessibility needs, ensuring a stress-free travel experience.
Invisible illness
The airport offers tranquil spaces for travelers with invisible illnesses, allowing them to rest in a calm environment. Medical staff are also on hand to provide any necessary support.
Arenal Airport assists travelers with cognitive challenges through simple, clear signage and step-by-step instructions throughout the terminal. Trained staff are available to help with any additional guidance.
Visual announcements and hearing loops installed in key areas make it easier for travelers with hearing impairments to stay updated on important flight information.
For those with vision impairments, the airport includes tactile flooring and braille signage. Additionally, airport personnel are available to guide travelers upon request.
Arenal Airport is equipped with ramps, elevators, and accessible seating areas. Wheelchair services can be arranged ahead of time to ensure ease of movement through the terminal.