Travelers with special needs will find the accessible airport in Naples. The Naples International Airport, is designed to meet their requirements. With a range of tailored services, the airport ensures a seamless and comfortable experience for everyone.

Invisible illness

Naples International Airport offers quiet zones and medical assistance to help travelers with invisible illnesses manage their journey. These areas provide a space to rest and recover as needed.


For travelers with cognitive challenges, clear signage and simple instructions are provided throughout the terminal. Airport staff are also available to assist those who may need additional support or guidance.


The airport features hearing loops at check-in counters and boarding gates, as well as visual displays for announcements, making it easier for travelers with hearing impairments to stay informed.


Travelers with vision impairments will find tactile floor pathways, braille signage, and assistance from staff available upon request to guide them through the airport.


Naples International Airport is equipped with accessible ramps, elevators, and dedicated seating areas for travelers with mobility needs. Wheelchair services are available and can be arranged prior to arrival.