The accessible airport in Salvador, Deputado Luís Eduardo Magalhães International Airport, offers a wide range of services for travelers with special needs. Whether you have an invisible illness, cognitive challenges, hearing, vision, or mobility limitations, the airport ensures a smooth and accessible travel experience.

Invisible illness

Travelers with invisible illnesses will find quiet zones and stress-free services to ease their travel experience.


The airport offers clear signage and staff assistance to help travelers with cognitive challenges navigate through the terminal efficiently.


Hearing-impaired travelers are supported with visual announcement displays and accessible communication systems to stay informed during their journey.


Deputado Luís Eduardo Magalhães International Airport provides tactile paths, braille signage, and staff assistance to help travelers with visual impairments.


Wheelchair-accessible pathways, elevators, and specialized transportation services ensure that travelers with mobility challenges can move easily through the airport.

For more information, visit the airport’s website.