Travelers with special needs will find an accessible airport in Seattle that provides a seamless experience. Seattle-Tacoma International Airport offers a variety of services to ensure every traveler can navigate the airport with ease.

Invisible illness

Quiet zones are available for travelers with invisible illnesses, offering a calm environment where they can relax before boarding.


With clear signage and helpful staff, travelers with cognitive challenges can navigate the terminal confidently, ensuring a stress-free journey.


The airport features visual paging systems, hearing loops, and TTY phones, ensuring important announcements are accessible to travelers with hearing impairments.


Braille signage, tactile paths, and trained staff assist travelers with visual impairments to navigate the terminal and access essential services.


For those with mobility needs, the airport provides wheelchair services, accessible restrooms, ramps, and assistance during the boarding process, ensuring a smooth transition.

For more details, visit the airport’s website.