Have a mesmerizing journey with the best wheelchair accessible things to do in Cayenne.

Get through the beautful streets and cultural diversity of Cayenne, the capital of French Guiana. 

1. Place des Palmistes 

Begin your exploration at Place des Palmistes, the heart of Cayenne, surrounded by colorful Creole-style buildings and palm trees. Accessible pathways guide you through this central square, where locals and visitors alike gather to enjoy the lively atmosphere, street performances, and the charming Saint-Sauveur Cathedral.

2. Quartier Madame

Wander through the picturesque Quartier Madame, an area known for its vibrant street art that reflects the cultural diversity of French Guiana. Wheelchair-accessible routes lead to murals depicting the region's indigenous heritage, the Maroon communities, and the various cultures that contribute to Cayenne's unique identity.

3. Fort Cépérou  

Explore the historic Fort Cépérou, which overlooks the city and offers panoramic views of the coastline. With accessible paths and guided tours, the fort provides insights into French Guiana's colonial past and its strategic significance.

4. Grand Marché

Get to mnow the culinary scene of Cayenne at the vibrant Grand Marché, where accessible stalls showcase the rich variety of local produce, spices, and crafts. Engage with vendors, sample traditional dishes, and experience the fusion of flavors that define French Guianese cuisine.