Discover the top accessible attractions in Merida. As you plan your upcoming trip, rest assured that a wealth of accessible tours awaits you. This beautiful city prides itself on offering a diverse range of adventures suitable for travelers with varying abilities. Prepare for an unforgettable journey to explore the best accessible attractions in Merida.

1. Dzibilchaltún Archaeological Site

Delve into the ancient mysteries of Dzibilchaltún, a Mayan archaeological wonder accessible via wheelchair-friendly paths and ramps.

2. Paseo de Montejo

 Wander along the iconic Paseo de Montejo, adorned with grand mansions and offering accessible sidewalks for effortless exploration.

3. Gran Museo del Mundo Maya

Immerse yourself in the vibrant tapestry of Mayan culture at the Gran Museo del Mundo Maya, featuring accessible exhibits and guided tours.

4. Parque de las Américas

Unwind in the serene oasis of Parque de las Américas, where accessible pathways lead to picturesque gardens, playful attractions, and serene fountains.

5. Casa de Montejo

Step into the rich tapestry of Mérida's past at the Casa de Montejo, a colonial masterpiece with accessible entrances and captivating exhibits.

6. Cenotes Cuzamá

Embark on an adventure to the mesmerizing cenotes near Mérida, where guided tours cater to accessibility needs, ensuring everyone can marvel at these natural wonders.