Explore the best wheelchair accessible things to do in Pula, a beautiful city on the Istrian Peninsula of Croatia, where history, culture, and natural beauty converge to create an unforgettable experience for every visitor. In Pula, wheelchair users will find a wealth of accessible attractions and activities that showcase the city's ancient heritage and scenic coastline. 

1. Pula Arena

Marvel at the grandeur of Pula Arena, one of the best-preserved Roman amphitheaters in the world. Accessible ramps and pathways allow visitors to explore this iconic landmark and imagine the spectacles of ancient gladiatorial combat.

2. Arch of the Sergii

Admire the triumphal arch dedicated to the Sergii family, accessible via ramps and wide pathways. Learn about its history and significance as a symbol of Roman power and prestige in ancient Pula.

3. Temple of Augustus

Explore the Temple of Augustus, an ancient Roman temple dedicated to the first Roman emperor. Accessible entrances and pathways lead to this well-preserved architectural gem, offering insight into Pula's rich history.

4. Pula Cathedral

Visit Pula Cathedral, accessible to all via ramps and spacious interiors. Admire its Romanesque and Byzantine architecture, intricate mosaics, and historic artifacts within the cathedral's hallowed halls.

5. Pula Aquarium

Dive into the underwater world at Pula Aquarium, where accessible exhibits showcase Adriatic marine life and ecosystems. Discover colorful fish, mesmerizing jellyfish, and other aquatic wonders from the comfort of wheelchair-friendly pathways.