Today we'll share with you five tips for traveling with disabilities in Cartagena. They are designed for special travelers in this destination, paving the way for an unforgettable and barrier-free adventure. Cartagena, with its incredible blend of colonial architecture and Caribbean vibes, beckons travelers from around the globe. This guide ensures a seamless and inclusive experience.

1. Research accessible accommodations

Begin your journey by researching and booking accommodations that prioritize accessibility. Look for hotels and guesthouses in Cartagena that offer wheelchair-accessible rooms, accessible facilities, and accommodations for individuals with diverse mobility needs.

2. Explore historic streets

Explore Cartagena's historic streets with ease by utilizing accessible transportation options. Opt for guided tours that offer transportation with wheelchair ramps or explore the city's flat and accessible areas, such as the scenic waterfront promenade, La Bóvedas.

3. Enjoy accessible attractions

Cartagena boasts a wealth of attractions suitable for travelers with special needs. Visit the Castillo San Felipe de Barajas, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which offers accessible pathways and panoramic views of the city. Don't miss the wonderful plazas of the Old Town, easily navigable with mobility aids.

4. Plan inclusive activities

Plan your itinerary with inclusive activities in mind. Experience the beauty of Cartagena's coastline with accessible boat tours or relax on the accessible beaches of Bocagrande. Additionally, many local tour operators offer inclusive excursions designed to travelers with special needs.

5. Seek local support

Take advantage of local resources and support services for travelers with special needs in Cartagena. Reach out to disability advocacy organizations and tourist information centers for assistance and recommendations designed to your specific needs.