Enjoy the Big Apple with our tips for traveling with disabilities in New York. Discovering its modern streets, iconic landmarks, and cultural attractions of Manhattan can be both exhilarating and challenging, but with careful planning and knowledge, you can experience all that New York has to offer, regardless of any challenge. From the bright lights of Times Square to the serene beauty of Central Park, New York promises an unforgettable experience for every traveler, ensuring that accessibility is woven into the fabric of the city.

1. Research accessibility

Before your trip to New York, conduct thorough research on the accessibility of the city's attractions, accommodations, and transportation options. Look for wheelchair-friendly hotels, restaurants with accessible facilities, and public transportation equipped with ramps and elevators.

2. Notify service providers

Inform hotels, attractions, and transportation services about your specific accessibility needs. Many establishments in New York are committed to providing inclusive experiences but may require advance notice to make necessary arrangements. Clear communication ensures a smooth and enjoyable travel experience.

3. Use accessibility apps 

Take advantage of accessibility apps and online resources that can help you navigate New York with ease. Apps like AccessAble and AXIS Map provide information on accessible locations, including ratings and reviews from other users.

4. Plan your route

Organize your itinerary carefully to include accessible attractions and activities. Consider visiting popular landmarks during off-peak hours to avoid crowds and maximize accessibility. Look for accessible entrances and pathways to ensure a seamless experience.

5. Stay informed

Familiarize yourself with your rights as a traveler with disabilities in the United States. Be aware of local accessibility laws and regulations, and don't hesitate to advocate for yourself if you encounter any barriers or discrimination during your travels.