Conquer Corea with our best tips for traveling with disabilities in Seoul. South Korea's capital city, is a beautiful blend of modern skyscrapers, ancient palaces, and beautiful cultural experiences. 

1. Plan and research thoroughly

Before enjoying your journey, conduct thorough research on the accessibility of your chosen accommodations, transportation options, and attractions. Utilize online resources like the Seoul Accessible Tourism Center and the Korea Tourism Organization to gather detailed information. Additionally, consider contacting hotels and attractions directly to inquire about specific accessibility features and services.

2. Choose an accessible hotel

Select a hotel that prioritizes accessibility and caters to the needs of travelers with special needs. Look for hotels with features like roll-in showers, grab bars, wider doorways, and accessible room layouts. Read reviews from other travelers with special needs to gain insights into their experiences at the hotel.

3. Use accessible transportation

Seoul's public transportation system, Seoul Metropolitan Subway, offers a growing range of accessible options. Subway stations feature ramps, elevators, and designated seating areas for wheelchair users. Additionally, consider hiring a private car with a driver or utilizing ride-hailing services like KakaoTaxi and Tmap, which can provide accessible transportation options.

4. Pack light and smart

Pack light and bring only essential items, considering laundry options if needed. Prioritize comfortable footwear suitable for walking on various surfaces.

5. Seek assistance when needed

Don't hesitate to seek assistance when navigating Seoul. The locals are generally friendly and helpful. Whether you need directions, help with luggage, or assistance in crowded areas, approach locals or hotel staff for support. They are often willing to lend a hand and ensure a smooth travel experience.